Oct 5
Saturday, October 5, 2024 Online
A banner for Scrutineers intro event called: When Voting is Not Enough: What the Current Risk to Democracy Calls Each of Us to Do. It has an image of a black woman looking at the camera.


Saturday, October 5 at *10:00 AM Pacific

(7:00 AM Hawaii, 9:00 PM Alaska, 11:00 AM Mountain, 12:00 PM Central, 1:00 PM Eastern)

*Duration: Approximately one hour.

Worried about your rights and the state of democracy?

You’re not alone!

Our rights and our democracy itself are on the line in this year’s elections. You have an important role to play to help preserve and strengthen democracy.

If you’ve ever wondered what you can do that could make a difference, come find out!

We’ll cover:

  • Why public oversight of our elections is especially crucial this year
  • Specific actions you can take – including some you’ve never heard of
  • Options for making a difference from your home
  • How to connect with others banding together to ensure our elections are fair, accurate, and secure
  • Ways you can get involved even if you aren’t eligible to vote due to age, immigration status, or legal issues

This is your chance to be part of the collective effort to rebuild voter confidence in our elections.

Empower yourself with knowledge so you can take action. Please invite two friends who share your passion for democracy.

Join us on Saturday, October 5 at 10:00 AM Pacific/1:00 PM Eastern.

Together, we can make a difference.

Scrutineers.org is a nonpartisan organization working for the freedom to vote and transparent elections so every voice is heard. We welcome new members!

You will also receive occasional announcements and updates from Scrutineers. You can unsubscribe at any time.