Give through our fiscal sponsor

Donate today! We rely on your support to fund our work. We appreciate donations of any size. 

Please read:

If tax deductibility isn’t essential for you, please make a gift directly to Scrutineers. Our federal 501(c)(3) nonprofit status is pending. If we receive our approval this year, your gift made today will be tax-deductible as permitted by law.

Until then, Scrutineers is a sponsored project of Netroots Foundation, a 501(c)(3) organization (EIN 20-8672843). Gifts made through Netroots Foundation are tax-deductible as permitted by law.

Make your check out to Netroots Foundation, and put “Scrutineers” in the memo field. Mail to:

Netroots Foundation
4741 Central Street #377
Kansas City, MO 64112

🏛️You can also make a tax-deductible gift online through Netroots Foundation’s Action Network page.

create a Tax-Deductible Gift to Scrutineers

More Ways to Support Scrutineers

🎁 Qualified Charitable Deduction

This is a great option those over 71 ½ years of age who have a traditional IRA and want to support our work. This tax-free option counts toward the required minimum distribution (RMD) that you’re required by law to take out of your IRA each year from age 72 on. Ask your IRA manager to send a Qualified Charitable Deduction to Netroots Foundation for us, with “Scrutineers” in the memo field.

💝 Donor Advised Funds

If you have a Donor Advised Fund (DAF), you can ask the fund manager to send a donation to Netroots Foundation for us, with “Scrutineers” in the memo field.

📜 Bequest

If you have a will or living trust, you can name Scrutineers (EIN 84-4268225) as a beneficiary. This can even be done in an update (codicil).

₿ Cryptocurrency

Donating Bitcoin, Ethereum, or other cryptocurrency can provide significant tax advantages. Read more about giving cryptocurrency.

📈 Stock

Donating stock is one of the most tax-efficient ways for individuals to support causes that matter to them, like Scrutineers. Learn more about giving stock.